Saturday, April 2, 2011

Back to Blogging

After almost three months away from the blogging scene, I have decided to make a very belated New Years resolution and commit to writing on my blog more regularly. I think I pressure myself into writing something extraordinarily entertaining or inspirational EVERY time I complete a new post. So instead of trying to think of something incredible to write, I avoid blogging altogether. But I have to remember my main reason for even creating a blog... to keep my friends, family and loved ones in tune with what is happening in my life and to share little insights and experiences along the way. So with that in mind, I am launching back into blogging.

Since it has been a while since I've visited my own blog, I have a wide variety of updates. Don't worry, I'm not going to share everything at once. Baby steps :-).

The first thing I'm going to start with is my recent graduation from college. That's right, I have been an official college graduate since December 10, 2010! I can't believe it's taken me this long to write about it. At first, it didn't even really hit me that I finally had my degree. I decided not to walk in the graduation ceremony since my family couldn't be here and because I didn't have any close friends graduating with me. But Ryan let me know how proud he was of me by giving me a new scarf and a new camera case. He made sure that I couldn't tear into the presents too quickly by wrapping them entirely with tape. He's so ornery but so cute too :-). My family also treated me to a nice dinner when I visited them in Colorado after Christmas. It felt fabulous to celebrate my long-awaited accomplishment with the people I love!

It feels amazing to be done with school and to be part of the real working world. I am currently working for a company in Tampa, helping to write and edit proposals. It's a temporary position, but it has been fantastic experience. I've also been fortunate enough to gain writing experience by doing projects for my dad's company in Colorado. I'm hoping that these projects will help to build my resume so I can eventually work from home, doing freelance writing for a variety of companies. To keep fresh on my creative writing skills, I have also been contributing articles to a local magazine called Positive Impact. Visit their website if you're interested. It's really an awesome publication: In the midst of everything, I'm trying to trust God above all and see where he wants to lead me in my career.

Speaking of God, I have to take the last bit of this post to give Him all the credit for the immense amount of blessings in my life. When I moved to Florida, I was afraid that I would fall behind in school and have trouble finding jobs after graduation. Instead, He led me to a school where I got a degree that will probably be more helpful to me than the one I had originally chosen. And He has handed me one opportunity after another to follow my passion for writing. Why do I ever question His faithfulness and goodness? He reminds me over and over again to take my favorite Bible verse to heart: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

I hope you all are experiencing His love and blessings in your lives. I am glad to be back in blog world so I can keep up with all of you as well!


  1. Congratulations on graduating!!
    I always enjoy reading your posts, try not to feel too much pressure about blogging for other people. You started this blog for you and you need to continue writing for you. :)

  2. Glad you're back, and congratulations on graduating!
