Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Simple Things

Tonight, I got home from a very long day at work, walked through the door to our apartment, and saw the smiling face of my husband. Immediately, I felt satisfied. My contentment was only enhanced when he welcomed me with a sweet hug and kiss and then asked "Are you ready for some pancakes?" I don't know why, but pancakes are one of the best kinds of comfort food. And after working all day, I was definitely willing to welcome such comfort. Ryan and I made pancakes and bacon together in our little kitchen, happy to be in each other's company. Our breakfast-for-dinner meal was a complete success. The fluffy pancakes topped with warm, sweet, sticky syrup melted away the day's busyness, and I was able to slip into an aura of ease in the company of my wonderful husband. After I had finished eating, I sat sipping my deliciously foamy Irish sweet cream latte and let out a long sigh of contentment, realizing that the simple things in life really are the best. I absolutely could not be happier with my life while I am enjoying some good old fashioned comfort food and quality time with the man I love. These little moments help me to remember on a daily basis how blessed I am. God has given me so much, and I do not show Him often enough how thankful and awed I feel for every one of His gifts. How funny that pancakes inspired such gratitude in me! But there it is. Thank you Jesus for the simple things and everything in between.


  1. Amen sister! It's so sad that we don't always count our blessings but God is so amazing to have blessed us with such wonderful guys :) Those pancakes look so yummy!!! I LOVE pancakes!
    I'm following you now and I'm so glad you came back! I missed reading your posts this week :) Hope you're having a beautiful weekend!

  2. Bailey~ I am loving reading your blog and into your heart more. I'm glad that the transition into marriage hasn't been too hard so far, especially being away from your family.

  3. Sweet Bailey! Every post I am so greatful that God chose to bring you two together. You are such a perfect balance for each other. Your marriage brings a smile to my face and my heart is so happy for all the ways the Lord is blessing you.
